Project-related information for e.g. vibration duration and positioning of the vibrators on the respective formwork are always based on experience due to the many parameters such as concrete placement, concrete recipe, concrete consistency, concrete impact depth, degree of reinforcement, formwork construction etc.
After more than 25 years of experience in concrete compaction, we feel able to create a vibrator concept that works for almost any task.

The following applies: A test concreting can secure a lot between builders and contractors today.

- Always start up the external vibrators in pairs

- maximum 1-2 vibrator pairs in operation

- Compressor ≈ 6bar at min. 4-6m³/min

- Concrete slump from ≈ 48cm to ≈54cm

- Concrete fill layers ≈ 50-60cm


An example of how you compact concrete with the RueMoo air formwork vibrators.